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Aggressive driving

Approximately 80% of drivers expressed significant aggression or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the past year per a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Police officers indicated driver aggression as a contributing factor in 247 crashes throught the United States in 2013.  This is 10x as many aggression related crashes from 2004 according to the National Highway Traffic Administration.

Psychologists propose that the anonymity we have behind the wheel can lead to more aggressive, less reserved behavior.  When we get angry we want to teach others a lesson.  Focussing on others means you are not concentrating on your own driving

AAA reccomends these fourt solutions to dealing with aggressive drivers:

1. Avoid tailgating.  Many drivers admit that tailgating angers them the most.  Always allow plenty of space between you and the car in front of you.

2. Do not engage an angry driver.  Avoid eye contact or returning hand gestures.

3. Keep your distance.  If a driver is angry, stay behind them because they can do less damage.  If necessary, change your route to avoid them.

4. Obtain assistance.  If you ever feel threatened by a driver, call 911.  Another option is to drive to a busy place such as a gas station.  Do not exit your car or lead an aggressive driver to your home.